Remittance Services

Track Remittance status with ease. New, feature of Mobile Banking Remittance Services

Service Scope

Remittance Services

Customers can use mobile banking to transfer funds to the registered overseas accounts.

Personal customers who use mobile banking to remit fund at an amount below USD 10,000 can choose the *remittance tracking service. The remittance status can be checked anytime, anywhere.

*The remittance tracking service depends on the support of the beneficiary bank.


Remittance Enquiry
-Enquire transaction records of inward remittance and outward remittance for up to 6 months. 


User guidelines

-The user guidelines of Mobile Banking Services is as follows:


Step 1. Please select "Telegraphic Transfer" Step 2. Please select a Telegraphic Transfer service
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3. Next Step 4. Submit
Step 3. step 4.
Step 5. Completed  
Step 5.  


Remittance Enquiry (Remittance tracking service)

Remittance Enquiry


What is remittance tracking service?

  Personal customers who use mobile banking to remit fund at an amount below USD 10,000 can choose the remittance tracking service. The remittance status can be checked anytime, anywhere.

What information can I check on the remittance tracking service?


Through the remittance tracking service, personal customers can check the payment status of the remittance in real time, including the Bank, intermediary banks and beneficiary banks.


Is there any additional cable fee for the money transfer tracking service?


No. For the remittance service charge details, please refer to the “Bank Service Charges” in the Bank’s website.