Welcome Reward
Referral Program

Go Banking Welcome Rewards

From now until 30 September 2024, you can enjoy fabulous rewards by joining Go Banking and using designated services!#

▶ Total Asset Balance Growth Reward 1

New customers6 who must register and meet the designated requirements and maintain the amount of Total Asset Balance Growth until the designated date can enjoy up to HK$600 credit card cash rebate reward.

Amount of Total Asset Balance Growth to be maintained
(HK$ or its equivalent)
Credit Card Cash Rebate
(HK$ or its equivalent)
New Customer Existing Customer
$500,000 - $1,000,000 $600 $200
$200,000 - $499,999 $400

▶ New Customer Deposit Offer

Savings Deposit2
Enjoy Extra +3.8% p.a. Bonus Reward HKD Savings Deposit for the first 3 months
(Applicable to the first HK$10,000 - HK$200,000 savings deposit only)

Customers must register and meet the requirements of the Total Asset Balance Growth Reward

▶ Referral Reward3
Earn up to HK$13,000 Reward upon successful referral and fulfillment of the designated requirements

Chong Hing Bank customers can refer up to 10 new customers for each of the following customer categories (This customer must also meet the requirements of the Total Asset Balance Growth Reward) Each successful referral can earn Cash Rebate (HK$ or equivalent)
Exceed Banking $1,000
Go Banking $300

▶ New Customers Investment Transaction Reward4
New customers who meet the designated requirements can enjoy the credit card cash rebate:

Cumulative Investment Funds and/or Equity Linked Investments subscription amount within the first 3 months upon account opening
(HK$ or its equivalent)
Credit Card Cash Rebate
(HK$ or its equivalent)
$200,000 or above $200

Customers must register and meet the requirements of the Total Asset Balance Growth Reward

▶ Credit Card Reward

Cumulative retail spending amount of HK$8,000 or eWallet spending amount of HK$4,000 within the first 2 months upon card issuance Credit Card Welcome Reward Cash Rebate(HK$)

▶ Other Banking Products and Services Offers

Life Insurance Offer Investment Fund Subscription Fee Offer
Up to 25% premium discount for the first year of selected insurance plan Investment Fund Subscription fee as low as 1.25%.
Safe Deposit Box Offer
20% discount for the first year on annual rental of designated Safe Deposit Box

#The above promotions are subject to the respective terms and conditions. For details, please refer to the terms and condition of the Welcome Promotion stated at the back page or contact any local branch of the Bank in Hong Kong or call the Go Banking Hotline at 3768 6888.

Investment involves risks. Prices of fund units may go up as well as down and past performance information presented is not indicative of future performance.


1 Customers with Total Asset Balance Growth are required to successfully register and fulfill any 2 of the following requirements during the Promotion Period: 1) open a new Investment Account and has completed the “Investment Profile Questionnaire and Vulnerable Customer Assessment”;or 2) activate the Bank’s digital banking services (i.e. Internet Banking, Chong Hing Mobile Banking) successfully; or 3) complete the successful foreign exchange transaction with accumulated amount at HK$10,000 (or HKD equivalent) or above. 4) opened a Payroll Account via the Bank successfully. Please refer to the terms and conditions of item Section B for details.

2 Only applicable to the first HK$10,000 - HK$200,000 Savings Deposit within the first 3 months upon account opening and meet the requirements of the Total Asset Balance Growth Reward, Fixed Deposit will not be calculated. Please refer to the terms and conditions of Section D for details.

3 Referrer can receive the Referral Reward once the referee has fulfilled the designated requirements. Each referrer can receive HK$13,000 cash rebate at maximum. Please refer to the terms and conditions of item Section E for details.

4 Customers are required to fulfill the following requirements: 1) Customers who registered and meet the requirements of the Total Asset Balance Growth Reward; 2) only the transaction of Investment Funds subscription (investment fund switching transactions excluded) and/or Equity Linked Investments subscription will be calculated, where only subscription fee of those investment fund is not lower than 1.25%. Please refer to the terms and conditions of Section C for details.

5The welcome reward is only applicable to the Eligible Customer who have not held any principal credit card of any personal credit card (including co-branded card) issued by the Bank in the past 12 months. Please refer to the terms and conditions of Section F for details.

6For New Customer who has not held any single name and/or joint name account (except credit card account) with Chong Hing Bank (the “Bank”) in the past 12 months prior to account opening.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Important Notice

Certain investment funds, Currency Linked Deposit and Equity Linked Investments (ELI) are investment products involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.


Risk Disclosure Statement
This promotional material is for reference only and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to subscribe or redeem, invitation, or advice. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The price of investment funds may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of investing in investment funds, ELI and Currency Linked Deposit. Investors should consider their own investment objective, financial position, risk tolerance level and relevant circumstances, and read the relevant offering documents and risk disclosure statement before making any investment decision. If investors have any doubt, they should seek independent professional advice.
Fund Investments, ELI and Currency Linked Deposit are not protected under the Deposit Protection Scheme or covered by the Investor Compensation Fund in Hong Kong. Fund investments, ELI and Currency Linked Deposit are not principal protected and are not normal time deposits, and thus should not be considered as alternatives of normal time deposits. You could lose all of your Investment Amount in the worst-case scenario.
Foreign exchange are subject to exchange rate fluctuation which may provide opportunities and risks. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of foreign currencies may result in gains or losses in the case where the customer converts foreign currency to HK dollars or other foreign currencies and even suffer loss in principal in total. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives. RMB is not freely convertible and conversion of RMB through banks in Hong Kong is subject to the rules, regulations and guidelines from the relevant regulatory authorities or entities from time to time.
Please note that the risk factors mentioned above are not, and do not purport to be, exhaustive. Investors should not make investment decisions based on the information of this promotional material alone.
The information of this promotional material is issued by Chong Hing Bank Limited. It has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong or any regulatory authorities in Hong Kong.
Please refer to the policy documents for the full terms and conditions of the Life Insurance Plan(s), and the product leaflets of Hong Kong Life’s life insurance plans for product information. Before applying for any life insurance plan, customer should carefully read and understand the contents and terms of the policy documents. Customer should also seek independent and professional advice before making any decision.
**For the “ Investment Profile Questionnaire and Vulnerable Customer Assessment ”:
The “Investment Profile Questionnaire and Vulnerable Customer Assessment" is provided by Chong Hing Bank Limited (the "Bank") to help customers understand and assess the degree of investment risk they are prepared to accept and investment needs. The result of this questionnaire is derived from the information provided by customers, the accuracy and completeness of the provided information may affect the assessment result and is for general information and reference only. It is not an offer to sell or a solicitation for an offer to buy any financial products, and must not be taken to constitute any investment or other advice, proposal, representation, warranty or any statement carrying legal effect.


To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Customer Services Hotline: 3768 6888
Website: www.chbank.com


Member of Yuexiu Group