FAQ for Mobile Security Setting


Easy Logon Service

  1. What are the benefits of using Easy Logon Service?
  2. Which devices is Easy Logon Service available on?
  3. Why is the Easy Logon Service only available on designated mobile models?
  4. Is fingerprint logon safe?
  5. Is Face ID logon safe?
  6. How do I register Easy Logon Service in Chong Hing Mobile Banking App?
  7. Face ID / Fingerprint recognition function is not available on my mobile device. Am I not able to register Easy Logon Service?
  8. Do I have to use my Face ID / fingerprint / PIN every time I log on Mobile Banking?
  9. Can I log on with Face ID / fingerprint / PIN when my Easy Logon Service registered device does not have an Internet connection?
  10. What if I forgot my PIN for Easy Logon Service?
  11. What happens if I change my Face ID / fingerprint setting on my mobile device?
  12. If my Face ID / fingerprint is not recognised, can I still log on Mobile Banking using PIN?
  13. Can I change my PIN in the future?
  14. Can others use my Easy Logon Service registered device to log on their Mobile Banking?
  15. Can someone else log on to my Mobile Banking if their fingerprint is stored on my device?
  16. My parent, siblings and I look alike very much. Are they able to log on my Mobile Banking using Face ID?
  17. In case my Easy Logon Service registered device was stolen or lost, what should I do?
  18. Can I register Easy Logon Service on a jailbroken or rooted device?
  19. How do I terminate Easy Logon Service?